The Green Party is not funded by big business or rich backers, we are a grass roots movement. To support our continued success, there is no better way to help than make a monthly gift to help us pay for staff members who can organise and carry out our important work.
Other ways to donate
If you’re not able to give monthly by card, there are a number of other ways you can support us with a donation:
- To make a one-off donation you can use this online form here
- Send cheques payable to West Midlands Green Party, to WMGP c/o 56 Hydes Rd, Wednesbury WS10 9SY
- To set up a standing order please use your initial and surname as a reference:
- West Midlands Green Party
- The Co-operative Bank, PO Box 250, Delf House, Southway, Skelmersdale, WN8 6WT
- Sort Code: 08-92-99
- Account Number: 65178980
- Or print this form and post to us